Help us bring #Hope4Hanukkah to lonely and impoverished elderly Jews in Ukraine

$1,122   raised
GOAL: $6,500



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This campaign is currently closed.

Candles, which quantity is increasing day by day, the aroma of potato pancakes and donuts, small gifts, hopes, dreams, miracles … Return to childhood … Hanukkah …
Wonderful holiday, fun for children and adults, the opportunity to spend time with friends, have fun, to fulfill the commandment, to make a gift …
And what happens to those who are lonely and weak, to those who are slaves of their four walls not due to their own will, with those who are doomed to pain and loneliness by fate or by circumstances, to those who celebrated Hanukkah in early childhood, and now cannot even recollect the name of this holiday.
United by the Jewish concept of Tikkun Olam, young Jewish people all over Ukraine would light Hanukkah candles in the homes of the impoverished people for the 6th year in a row. Our volunteers would bring Hanukkah kits and gifts / refreshments to 500 lonely and low-income families throughout Ukraine (Kyiv – members of all-Ukrainian organization of concentration camps prisoners, Kyiv region, Cherkasy, Chernigov, Ternopil, Balta, Nikopol). This year (2017) campaign initiated and powered by J-UP Network (indepedent initiative for&of active young professionals) and All-Ukrainian Charitable Fund “To You”.

Originally Hope 4 Hanukkah was launched in 2012 by WUJS and EUJS to aid and assist the youth who had been living in range of rocket attacks in the South of Israel. Today it is an annual initiative in Ukraine by Jewish students and young professionals to bring light into the lives of people who need it during the festival of Hanukkah. In 2012-2016 campaign was powered by UUJS and ACF “To You”.

Thanks to G-d, miracles happen in our everyday life.
We ask you for the small donation. In addition to the donations we encourage everyone to participate and volunteer. Create hope with us!
We can’t change the entire world but we definitely can change somebody’s life for the better and make Hanukkah miracle the reality!


Свечи, количество которых увеличивается день ото дня, аромат дерунов и пончиков, маленькие подарки, надежды, мечты, чудеса… Возвращение в детство… Ханука…Замечательный праздник, радость для детей и взрослых, возможность провести время с друзьями, повеселиться, выполнить заповедь, сделать подарок…
А что же происходит с тем, кто одинок и немощен, с тем, кто является рабом своих четырех стен, с тем, кто обречен на боль и одиночество волею судьбы или в силу обстоятельств, с тем, кто и праздновал-то Хануку в далеком детстве, а сейчас даже не может вспомнить название этого праздника.
Объединенные еврейской заповедью «Тиккун Олам» еврейские молодые люди по всей Украине будут зажигать свечи Ханукии в домах нуждающихся пожилых людей уже 6й год подряд. Наши волонтеры привезут с собой Ханукальные наборы и подарки. Их ждут в 500 еврейских домах. Акция инициирована и координируется  J-UP Network (независимая инициатива  активных молодых профессионалов) и Всеукраинским благотворительным фондом ‘Для Тебя”.
С Б-ей помощью чудеса происходят в нашей жизни каждый день.
Мы призываем вас присоединиться к нашей инициативе и пожертвовать небольшую сумму. Помимо пожертвований мы принимаем непосредственную волонтерскую помощь. Творите добро вместе с нами! Свяжитесь с нами, чтобы стать волонтером и принять участие в проекте.
Мы не можем изменить весь мир, но мы можем изменить чью-то жизнь к лучшему и сделать чудо Хануки реальностью! 1

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This campaign is currently closed.

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"Thank you for all your actions !"
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Adam Moscoe
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Pavlo Melnykov
Pasha S
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Vlad Verchenko
"Happy Hanukkah"
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"Happy Chanukha!"
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Daniel Cohen
"Happy Hannukah!"
Olena Zaslavska

Help us bring #Hope4Hanukkah to lonely and impoverished elderly Jews in Ukraine

$1,122   raised
GOAL: $6,500



Campaign organizer profile img
Campaign by
J-UP Network and All-Ukrainian Charitable Fund "2U"
, Ukraine

United by the Jewish concept of Tikkun Olam, young Jews from J-UP Network (indepedent initiative for&of active young professionals) and JDCorps and All-Ukrainian Charitable Fund "To You" initiated Hope4Hanukkah charity campaign and would light Hanukkah candles in the homes of the impoverished people all over Ukraine. Campaign co-chairs are Victoria Godik (J-UP Network Founder, Vaad of Ukraine Board member, JDCorps Working group co-chair) and Julia Goldenberg (Founder & Board Chair of ACF To You (2U)).

  • 1st candle
    1 claimed

    Thank you for helping us to provide Hanukkah set (candles+candelabrum) for one Jewish home

  • 2nd candle
    3 claimed

    Thank you for helping us to provide Hanukkah sets (candles+candelabrum) for two Jewish homes

  • 3d candle
    2 claimed

    Thank you for helping us to provide Hope4Hanukkah package for one Jewish home

  • 4th candle
    4 claimed

    Thank you for helping us to provide Hope4Hanukkah package for one Jewish home and Hanukkah sets for two Jewish homes

  • 5th candle
    2 claimed

    Thank you for helping us to provide Hope4Hanukkah packages for three Jewish homes

  • 6th candle
    0 claimed

    Thank you for helping us to provide Hope4Hanukkah packages for five Jewish homes

  • 7th candle
    1 claimed

    Thank you for helping us to provide Hope4Hanukkah packages for ten Jewish homes

  • 8th candle - - Hanukkah miracle
    0 claimed

    Thank you for being our Super Hero and helping us to provide Hope4Hanukkah packages for all 500 Jewish homes

  • Don't see the amount you want to donate? Every contribution helps!

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