Help the lighthouse project provide people with continuous life-changing opportunities.

$621   raised
GOAL: $40,000



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Your donation is tax deductible!

All donations to this charitable cause are collected by Jewcer, and donations exceeding the fair-market value of goods/services received are qualified under Section 501(c)(3) as tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

What is the lighthouse project about?

The Lighthouse Torah project’s goal is to unify and stream together all forms of Torah learning and come together as a nation.


It doesn’t matter if you’re a female, male, Sefardic, Ashkenaz, Breslov, Yeshivish, Modern Orthodox, Chassidish, or anything at all, the Lighthouse Torah project can cater to you.


We dedicate our time to helping people find that place in their life where they can incorporate Judaism, even in their busy schedules. We do this by providing weekly varieties of classes with incredible speakers, hosting life-changing events, and more!


So why is the Lighthouse Torah Project fundraising now?

We need your help! This is the first time in lighthouse history that we’re hosting an whole day, jam-packed with inspiration! This will be our kickoff event for the year and will help us provide the Lighthouse Project with everything they need in order to continue to change lives!


So what’s this seminar about?

It’s clear that everyone is in need of a little inspiration. The Jewish people as a nation have been facing incredibly difficult challenges, and it’s time to turn our darkness into light. The lighthouse project’s “Light in the Darkness” seminar this summer, August 1st, will be open to all, but we need your help!


We’re flying out several world renowned speakers and ending with a concert! We’ll be providing kosher food, life changing activities, and an experience of a lifetime.


Not only will your generous donations assist us with the seminar, but they will continue to help the lighthouse project change lives throughout the year! Help us reach our goal and make this a reality. It’s time to come together as a nation and turn these stumbling blocks into stepping stones to greatness.



Support this cause and make a difference

Your donation is tax deductible!

All donations to this charitable cause are collected by Jewcer, and donations exceeding the fair-market value of goods/services received are qualified under Section 501(c)(3) as tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
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Anonymous donor
Anonymous donor
Anonymous donor
"Good Luck!"
Anonymous donor
Sarah Andron
"To our amazing granddaughter."

This campaign deals with:

Jewish Communities | Judaism & Holidays

Help the lighthouse project provide people with continuous life-changing opportunities.

$621   raised
GOAL: $40,000



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Campaign by
The Lighthouse Torah Project

The lighthouse torah project gathers together all streams of torah's inner wisdom and delivers them to you through amazing classes and tools in order so you can get inspired to live a life full of meaning, empowerment and fulfilled potential.

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