How the fiscal sponsorship works

Jewcer is a very unique type of crowdfunding platform. We are actually a nonprofit organization which the platform is part of satisfying our mission to help initiatives that strengthen the Jewish community raise the funds they need to be able to do more. As such, we are also able to fiscally sponsor campaigns.

What does it mean to be fiscally sponsored?

From a legal point of view, being fiscally sponsored by our organization means that we use the nonprofit status of our organization for your project/campaign. From a practical point of view, being fiscally sponsored means that donations would come to us (we collect the funds for your campaign) and at the end of the campaign, we will send you the funds (minus all the fees) in one transfer (or check). From a legal point of view, the donors donate to Jewcer and earmark it to your campaign/project.

Who is eligible to be fiscally sponsored?

The simplest case are other nonprofit organizations (anywhere in the world). Beyond that, we also often fiscally sponsor individuals and groups who raise money for what is considered a “charitable” activity.

Is there an extra cost involved?

No. We provide this service for free as part of our mission to help projects and organizations in the USA and around the world.

Do I have to be in the USA to be fiscally sponsored?

No. We fiscally sponsor all around the world. The tax deduction however, applies only to US donors.

Is there an application process?

There is no application process, but there are some documents that you would have to sign (as an individual or group) or send us proof that you are already a nonprofit organization. The forms are all in your campaign building section in your Jewcer account.

Do the donors get a tax deduction?

The donors get a tax deduction in the USA. When they donate, they automatically get the tax deduction receipt through email from us (as mentioned above, technically and legally, they are donating to Jewcer, so the receipt is from us).

Do I get the information of the donors?

Yes. We only require an email address, but also ask for name and full physical address. If the donor provides those, then you also get that. All the information is downloadable for you from your Jewcer account throughout your campaign.

How long does it take to get the funds after my campaign is over?

Once you tell us that you are done (note, the campaign can continue going after the deadline), we will send you a summary of your donations (you can also download it at any time during the campaign). Once you approve it, it takes about 7-10 business days to receive the funds.

How do I receive the funds at the end of the campaign?

We typically wire the funds (anywhere in the world), or, if you are in the USA, we can also send a check. You will fill out a transfer request where you will provide all the information.