Get Your Creative Project Funded in 30 Days

Learn the tools, tricks and techniques used by more than 400 individuals and organizations in Israel & the U.S. to raise nearly $3,000,000 through crowdfunding on

A Free Workshop for Musicians and Filmmakers in Los Angeles

Wednesday, September 14 — 8pm PST

TheXchange, 2515 South Robertson Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90034

Music and movie projects funded on Jewcer with our help:

In this info-packed 60-minute workshop, specifically designed for musicians and filmmakers, you'll learn:

  • How crowdfunding (really) works … and not what many platforms want you to believe!
  • The top 5 mistakes that crowdfunding campaigns make … and how to avoid them!
  • How to launch your campaign with fanfare … and look successful before you even publicize it!
  • How to use crowdfunding to attract new supporters … and keep them donating to your projects!

Hosted by
Dr. Amir Give’on

Founder of & Adjunct Professor at the Graduate School of Nonprofit Management of American Jewish University.

In collaboration with
Aaron Symonds

Film Composer and Founder of the Jewish Entertainment Network LA

Introduction by
Sam Glaser

Composer, Performer, Producer, Author.

Some of the questions we'll answer:

  • What are the advantages of crowdfunding vs. using my website?
  • How do I figure out the best goal amount for my campaign?
  • How long should I run a campaign? Is it better to run a shorter campaign or longer one?
  • What are the best contribution levels to offer?
  • Do I have to give rewards for donations? What works best?
  • What’s the best way to involve my current donors?

…plus all of your questions in the Q&A!

Jewcer crowdfunding webinar Q+A

 It’s everything you ever wanted to know about crowdfunding, but didn’t know who to ask!

Workshop participants BONUS Benefits

Workshop participants, who decide to start a crowdfunding campaign on Jewcer, will receive these additional benefits:

  • Access to personal mentorship by Jewcer’s experts throughout their campaign
  • Promotion on Jewcer’s social media channels and Jewcer’s newsletter (over 22,000 subscribers!)
  • Free fiscal sponsorship (conditions apply) by Jewcer for their project
Jewcer webinar mockup


2016/09/14 20:00:00


Space is limited in order to cover all of the material and answer everyone's questions.