We wrote the history, you make it available

$118   raised
GOAL: $12,000



Join our community of supporters and we can make a difference

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All donations to this charitable cause are collected by Jewcer, and donations exceeding the fair-market value of goods/services received are qualified under Section 501(c)(3) as tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Chile is a beautiful country with a small Jewish population. Its beginnings date to the 16th century, but as an organized community, it has been around for only 110 years.

In a time of increasing anti-Semitism and intolerance towards “the other”, the need to educate people on who Chilean Jews are, and how they have contributed to the country, is urgent.

The Jewish Interactive Museum of Chile is writing a book on the history of the Jews in Chile from the 16th Century onwards, in an effort to build a society that values its diversity.

Chapters have been written by well known Chilean academics and writers, such as Abraham Magendzo and Patricia Politzer. The book will be published in Spanish in a hardcover version and it will be available in English in Kindle format.

We want you to help us to deliver this publication by donating the production costs.

We need YOU to make this dream come true!

Support this cause and make a difference

Join our community of supporters and we can make a difference

Your donation is tax deductible!

All donations to this charitable cause are collected by Jewcer, and donations exceeding the fair-market value of goods/services received are qualified under Section 501(c)(3) as tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
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"This is a great opportunity to learn the history of the Jews in Chile"
Anonymous donor

We wrote the history, you make it available

$118   raised
GOAL: $12,000



Campaign organizer profile img
Campaign by
Friends of the Chilean Jewish Museum and Holocaust Memorial, a non-profit corporation in the US
, Chile

The spirit of the Friends of the Chilean Jewish Museum and Holocaust Memorial (FCJMHM) in the US, is to provide support to the operations and projects of the Jewish Interactive Museum of Chile. The museum’s mission is to contribute in the education of Chilean students towards the appreciation of respect, diversity and multiculturalism.

  • Your donation will fund the production and inspire the next generation of Chilean Jews
    1 claimed

    We appreciate very much your support!

  • Your donation will fund the production and the translation into English
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    Your name will be added to our Donor Wall in the website.

  • Get an English Kindle version of the book
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    Receive a copy of the book as soon as it is released!

  • Get an English Kindle version, plus the Spanish hardcover printing of the book.
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    Receive a copy of the book as soon as it is released!

  • Get an English Kindle version, plus the Spanish hardcover printing of the book. Along with your name as a supporter in the book.
    0 claimed

    Receive a copy of the book as soon as it is released, where you will be able to see your name in the "thank you" page.

  • Don't see the amount you want to donate? Every contribution helps!

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