Build your Masa Ambassador Page

Use the form below to submit your content in order to create your Masa ambassador page. Once you complete this form and submit the content, it will be sent to the Jewcer staff to build your campaign. You will receive an email confirmation when your page is ready to be shared. Please use the tips on the side of the form.

Please make sure that you have been in touch with Bryan Van Doorninck and fully understand what is involved in creating an ambassador page for the Masa campaign and that you view the webinar below:

Your ambassador page will have a profile section (you are welcome to browse other campaigns on our platform and see it on the bottom of the right column). The profile is there to show visitors who is advocating for this cause. We recommend that you use this to describe yourself and your connection to Masa. Please limit this description to 3-4 sentences.

The profile section will also show your picture. We recommend using a square headshot picture that would clearly show your face to visitors of the page.

Use this section to describe the personal impact that Masa had on your life. The purpose of this campaign is to raise money to provide an opportunity to others, who can’t afford to go. Say a few words about what you feel is the biggest impact this can have on their lives. Please limit your writing to approximately 100 words. This section will be shown at the top of your ambassador page.

Your ambassador page image will be used in two main places:

  • On the leaderboard, shown next to other ambassador pages.
  • When you share your campaign page on social media, this is the image that will be shown as the thumbnail.

Choose an image that best represents your personal Masa experience. Please use a 1200×628 pixels JPEG image. If you provide any other size, it will be resized and/or cropped.

Do you have more questions? Not sure about something? Please email us to (please do not use any other way of contacting our support). Be sure to specify in your email subject the topic of the question and in the email specify that you are a Masa ambassador.

Crowdfunding Strategy

  • Join the Facebook Group

    We created a private Facebook group where you can connect with other leaders of this initiative, get updates and tips on how to raise more money through your crowdfunding page. Join the group here .

  • Look at other campaign pages

    A great place to start is to look at other campaign pages that other Masa alumni created. See them on the campaign leaderboard here 

  • Make it Personal

    Make your crowdfunding personal and related to your story. Your friends, family and people you know would support and share it more if it is a personal story that they can relate to it.

  • Prepare Your “Launch List”

    The most effective way to start a crowdfunding campaign is to reach out to people personally and individually. Using social networks when you get started, which might feel like the natural way to to start, can actually harm your chances of raising money. Our experience with hundreds of campaigns and millions of dollars raised is that the best way to get started is to prepare a list (aka the “Launch List”) of people that you know and feel that they would be interested in donating to your campaign. Then, when your campaign is live, you contact them one by one with a personal message (email, Facebook message, Whatsapp, etc.).

  • Use Social Networks at the Right Time

    It is very attractive and simple to post your new campaign on social networks as soon as you launch, but it is also typically the wrong thing to do. Unless you have hundreds of thousands of followers, we recommend you start with your launch list (see above) and tell people privately and personally until you have at least 30 donors to your page. Then, yes, you should “blast” everywhere you can.